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Yearly Archive 2018


NICU Reunion

We celebrated our 25th anniversary of the NICU ?reunion at Good Samaritan hospital. Dr. Thaker, Dr. Dixit, Dr. Mueller and Kathy Fournier were all present- Busy meeting with NICU graduates and their families. ?Congratulations to Aeran Garcia- 2018 babies first award winner!  The children had a great time with games, ?cool treats for the hot ?summer day?

NICU reunion

Aeran Garcia award

NICU reunion

NICU reunion

NICU reunion

Petting a snake

Snow cones ?

Cool treats

Dr. Thaker and Dr. Akin

Dr. Thaker, Kathy and Dr. Akin

Super Nurses

Dr. Akin and Teni

and other fun activities. Inflatables for the younger children; ⚽️soccer- score a goal; We met the Therapeutic animals?. The paramedics were on hand and the kids toured their ambulance. The reptile guy brought turtles?, snakes ?and lizards? for petting. There was a life sized doll in an incubator, the nurses ??‍?were fantastic, friendly and willing to answer all of our questions.  And lively ??music by the deejay.  A great time for all.

School Physical and Vaccines

Hope you’re all enjoying your ??? #summer. Don’t forget to schedule your child’s ?#school physical and ⚽️???‍♂️ #sports physical ??‍⚕️. Remember Illinois State now requires your 16 year old to receive a second meningococcal vaccine. Call (630)929-3009 for an appointment today. Receive a free notebook ???with a school physical. What a great way to start a spectacular school year! #smartkids
Dr. Akin (630)929-3009
2525 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove, IL

School physical

Start your school year with a physical exam

Illinois State immunization requirements

Illinois State immunization requirements

Illinois State immunization requirements

Illinois State immunization requirements

Inclement weather

Inclement Weather

Closed due to inclement weather

Snow day

Due to inclement weather,  the clinic will be closed tomorrow Friday February 9th. Our telephone lines will be open to take emergency calls. Call (630)929-3009 and leave a message if you need to reach us. Thanks, Dr. Akin.