Frequently Asked Questions- Weight Loss
How do I sign up for Weight Loss clinic?
There are several ways to register for our weight loss clinic. You can click on “book my appointment” on our homepage and select “Weight Loss with Dr. Akin”. You can also send a message via our contact form and someone will follow up with you. Other ways include sending a Facebook message and calling out telephone number.
How much do I pay for weight loss services?
There is a one time registration fee of $199, and it is non-refundable. The monthly fee for each weight loss client is $349, and is due at the beginning of the month.
What ages do you provide weight loss services to?
We provide weight loss services to young adults, typically 18-26 years old. We also serve children as young as 6 years old.
Are all the visits in-person?
Initial visit is done in-person. Subsequent visits are a combination of in-person and telehealth visits.
What if I live far away from the clinic?
We can arrange telemedicine visits, so long as you have had a recent examination with your physician
Do I have to pay extra for medications?
If you are prescribed semaglutide, the cost of the medication may be included in your monthly membership payment. However the cost of Tirzepatide is not included. Some other weight loss medications may be provided free of charge. This depends on your medical evaluation and can only be determined after consultation with the doctor is complete.
Do you provide Nutrition Counseling?
Yes we help you review your diet and nutritional choices and prepare an individualized plan to aid you in your weight loss journey
What will my weight loss plan look like?
Each plan is personalized to each individual. Your plan may look very different from my plan.
Do you bill my insurance for weight loss services?
No, we do not bill insurance for weight loss services.

How do I know if my child is overweight?
You can use this useful calculator to determine your child’s BMI. BMI stands for Body Mass Index. It is the best measure we have available to use to tell a person’s weight status. It gives us an idea of how heavy your child is for their height. You need a recent measure of your child’s weight and height.
Will my child need to use weight loss medications?
Maybe. We now have safe and effective FDA approved weight loss medications to treat obesity in children and young adults. Some of them are pills, some are injections. They all have different degrees of effectiveness. However, we believe that starting with a change in lifestyle involving energy imbalances is a good start. This will help your child gain life-long benefits which weight loss medications will augment. Beginning weight loss with lifestyle changes and adding medication is our goal.
How long does my child need to make changes to benefit from your program?
Our program encourages a sustainable change in lifestyle that your child will continue with throughout their childhood and adult years. However, even small changes made in childhood result in improved outcomes as an adult.
How often will my child be seen in the clinic?
We start off with in-person visits for the first 3 weeks, then we see your child every 2 weeks and subsequently every month. By the third month, we expect that your child is i control of their nutritional and physical activity plan, and then visits are scheduled every 1-3 months. If at any stage of treatment additional visits are needed, then the plan is adapted as needed.

Do you have Weight loss plans for Adults?
Yes we do. Many of our young adult patients definitely benefit from our services and weight loss medications. Most of our plans are directed toward the family, so everyone involved in the child’s care benefits from lifestyle change.
Where can I find useful tips to get started with weight management?
Are there any free programs that we can start off with?
Yes, you can register for the parent sessions and start learning important ways to improve your health, nutrition and physical activity.
Parent Sessions
Do I need to be a parent to participate?
No, anyone who cares for children can participate. If you are interested in a healthier lifestyle for the children, you will benefit from our program.
How much does the session cost?
The cost varies by length of session, please call for more information. Spots are limited, so we encourage you to notify us if you have an emergency and are unable to attend. This will free up your spot for other parents who want to participate.
How many people will attend each session?
Small groups of 4 participants are registered for each session.
We are a corporation, can your team come over to our facility to educate our members?
Our team works with community partners to help children achieve a healthier lifestyle. Contact us to schedule educational sessions
FAQs Child Development
Check out our resources page to learn more about what your child should be learning at different ages and stages:
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