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Yearly Archive 2020

I got my Covid shot

I got my #covid shot at Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital. Keeping myself, my family and my patients safe. Please get your covid vaccine when it is available to you. Together, we can stop this virus and end this #pandemic! Till then we continue to wear our mask, wash our hands and keep our distance. Stay safe, stay strong!

New and exciting changes

New and exciting changes are coming to Balance Pediatrics! We are in the process of switching to a new Electronic Health Records platform. Easier access, more efficient and less paperwork for all. Please bear with us as we upgrade.

Flushots are in!

Flushots are in! Stop by to receive a flu vaccine for yourself and your child. Vaccination against Influenza is recommended for all children 6 months and older. It is important to get your flushot this year more than ever.

Call 630.929.3009 to schedule and appointment.

Back up Phone number 630.929.6999

Our Phone lines are down

AT&T is working on the problem

In the interim you can reach us at:


Call and leave a message. We will get back to you

Now Offering Telemedicine Services

Balance Pediatrics is pleased to offer Telemedicine services to our patients. These services are offered on an as needed basis.  Only limited clinical presentations can be adequately addressed by telemedicine ;  and a follow up visit may be required. Please call the clinic at 630.929.3009 to obtain more information about our telemedicine offerings. Also check with your health insurance plans as a copay may be applied to the telemedicine visit.

Schedule an appointment via patient portal today.