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Happy New Year 2021

Balance Pediatrics wishes you and your family a Happy and Healthy #2021. Thank you for your continued perseverance with keeping #covid at bay. Thank you for wearing a #mask, washing your hands and standing apart. Thank you for choosing to take the #Covid vaccine when available to you. Thank you for choosing to end the #Covid #Pandemic- one #mask at a time, one #vaccine at a time. Thank you for opting to use #telemedicine when your child was sick, that way we did not expose other patients. Because  of your actions we have had NO #Covid exposures to either staff or patients.  #2021 surely will be a better year for us all! Dr. Akin & staff. Pediatric & Adolescent Healthy Lifestyle Center. 630.929.3009 

2525 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove, IL 60515

I got my Covid shot

I got my #covid shot at Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital. Keeping myself, my family and my patients safe. Please get your covid vaccine when it is available to you. Together, we can stop this virus and end this #pandemic! Till then we continue to wear our mask, wash our hands and keep our distance. Stay safe, stay strong!