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Happy New Year 2021

Balance Pediatrics wishes you and your family a Happy and Healthy #2021. Thank you for your continued perseverance with keeping #covid at bay. Thank you for wearing a #mask, washing your hands and standing apart. Thank you for choosing to take the #Covid vaccine when available to you. Thank you for choosing to end the #Covid #Pandemic- one #mask at a time, one #vaccine at a time. Thank you for opting to use #telemedicine when your child was sick, that way we did not expose other patients. Because  of your actions we have had NO #Covid exposures to either staff or patients.  #2021 surely will be a better year for us all! Dr. Akin & staff. Pediatric & Adolescent Healthy Lifestyle Center. 630.929.3009 

2525 Ogden Avenue, Downers Grove, IL 60515